Ultrasound Workspace - more flexibility, with flexibility for more

Streamline echocardiography workflow across your organization with Philips Ultrasound Workspace.

Ultrasound Workspace is a holistic, scalable, cardiovascular viewing, analysis and reporting system which is built on the legacy of the TOMTEC-ARENA platform. It allows for enhanced efficiency by giving care teams the flexibility to adopt different workflows based on their current needs.

How? By providing the same diagnostic capabilities on- and off-cart. Analyzing multi-vendor data. Leveraging artificial intelligence for speed and confidence. Offering an uncommonly agile technology platform and licensing model. And delivering tailored comprehensive support.

Experience the flexibility of Philips Ultrasound Workspace — and experience a new world of echocardiography workflow

Ultrasound Workspace delivers on what matters to help streamline echocardiography workflow across your enterprise

Diagnostic confidence

Lower variability. Higher reproducibility.

Standardize high quality care across your entire organization, including satellite locations, with AI-driven, automated measurements and vendor agnostic solutions.

AI-driven to succeed
User-independent, Philips AI-driven, automated1 measurements demonstrate excellent agreement with manual methods.High levels of accuracy and reduced inter- and intra-observer variability support repeatability and reproducibility in both 2D and 3D applications.3,4

Reliable data, regardless of vendor
Data from various vendors can differ in quality, processing algorithms and outcomes. Ultrasound Workspace data analysis is multi-vendor, allowing for high levels of standardization – and confidence – throughout the patient care path.

Guided by guidelines
QualitySeal capability guides users to observe deviations from published norm-values and follows recognized nomenclature for findings. Define your own list of required measurements, if you wish, to automatically verify that studies meet your organization’s quality standards.

Clinical efficiency

Expedite your path to the right answers

Bring clinical efficiency to life by applying artificial intelligence to time-consuming measurements, freeing up valuable resources for enhanced interpretation

and judgment and facilitating quality patient care and throughput management.

Artificial intelligence (AI) for real performance
AI-enhanced applications automatically identify views and anatomical structures and can help streamline complex, time-consuming measurements. Philips Auto Measure, for example, can deliver fast, consistent 2D standard echo measurements in half the time of manual methods.5,6,7

Analyze data anywhere, anytime Drive efficient clinical decision-making by by eliminating the need to locate dedicated reading workstations. Ultrasound Workspace allows access to relevant patient information for image review, analysis and reporting through any web-based client within your hospital environment.

Standardization through vendor agnostic analysis
Ultrasound Workspace compatibility with 2D and 3D ultrasound data from various vendors enables images to be analyzed with the same AI-based measurement tools, facilitating consistent outcomes, high levels of reproducibility and lower total cost of ownership.

Workflow flexibility

Choose what works best for you

Web-based, Ultrasound Workspace extends the reach of ultrasound beyond the echocardiography lab by providing access to routine clinical tools and patient data

via web browser. Users have more flexibility to perform tasks how, when and where they make the most sense, given the specific situation

Configure your set-up. Scale to your needs. procedures for data protection and updates. From single seat workstations to multi seat networks and 3rd party PACS integration, configure Ultrasound Workspace to your specific needs today – and scale up in the future.

Access consistent lateral patient views
Access patient data from prior studies and angiograms for a consistent lateral patient view. Ultrasound Workspace can connect to existing PACS to retrieve data from any vendor. Interfaces with EMRs support the enrichment of medical records with clinical findings and measurements.

Connect easily with your existing IT systems
Philips interoperability experience and expertise make it easy to integrate Ultrasound Workspace with your existing practice management and cardiovascular information systems, PACS or EMR for quick access to exams and reports.

Adaptive licensing, designed to fit
Whether small practice or large healthcare organization, flexible licensing models are designed to accommodate your specific situation. With an active maintenance and support contract, licenses can be transferred and upgraded as needs evolve.*
*Contact your Philips representative for more information.

 Security vigilance
Ultrasound Workspace provides secure, centralized mechanisms to manage identities and authentication and authorization of users, at server and application levels. At Philips, security is an end-to-end mindset, with robust policies and procedures for data protection and updates.






1 Is applicable for AutoStrain LV/RV/LA.
2 Applicable only for an on-cart solution and not for Ultrasound Workspace. Tsang W, Salgo I, Medvedofsky D, et al, Transthoracic 3D Echocardiographic Left Heart Chamber Quantification Using an Automated Adaptive Analytics  Algorithm, JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging, Volume 9, Issue 7, 2016, Pages 769-782.
3 Medvedofsky D, Mor-Avi V, Amzulescu M, et al. Three-dimensional echocardiographic quantification of the left-heart chambers using an automated adaptive analytics algorithm: multicenter validation study. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2018;19(1):47-58.
4 Sugimoto T, Dulgheru R, Bernard A, et al. Echocardiographic reference ranges for normal left ventricular 2D strain: results from the EACVI NORRE study. Eur Heart J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2017;18(8):833-840.
5 Philips internal study with external sonographers comparing the results of 18 exams with and without Auto Measure  (989606720041). 
6 Is applicable only for on-cart solution and not for Ultrasound Workspace.
7 Refers to Dynamic Heart Model.