Customer Experience

North Western Memorial Hospital Chicago


Dr. Akhil Narang is a cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago with a focus on cardiac imaging including echocardiography. Moreover, he is a fan of modern and innovative diagnostic technologies and how to transform their use to aid in patient care. Working with TOMTEC software provides many opportunities to incorporate this technology in his everyday routine. This includes in depth evaluation of the right ventricle and further research of the use of Virtual Reality together with TOMTEC. (...)


Key messages

VR is transforming from a toy to a tool with clinical impact.

#RV #Virtual Reality #VR #Artifical Intelligence #AI #reproducibility #3D Echo #2D Strain 

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Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham


Dr Hani Mahmoud-Elsayed is both, an alrounder and an expert in echocardiography. The Senior Clinical Fellow Cardiac Imaging atthe Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, UK, has numerous qualifications and certifications, is member of all relevant committees and expert for more or less all considerable ultrasound technologies – hard- and software likewise. His focus of interest is in 3D-Echo and interventional 2D/3D-TEE. (...)


Key messages

The most striking and important one is the reproducibility.

#reproducibility #TAVR #3D Echo #mitral valve #anatomy of the valve  #workflow

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Milton Keynes University Hospital

Innovative and vendor-neutral software in cardiology as a booster for quality and efficiency

Individual know-how of cardiologists still is the most important component for quality of care and safety in diagnosis. But – as in every profession – personal skills vary and so does the technological equipment of medical departments and institutions. A common problem, especially in cardiac ultrasound diagnostics, therefore is a lack of reproducibility due to different requirements. (...)


Key messages

User independent repeatability and reproducibility, easy to use 3D strain and 2D stress echo analysis

#reproducibility #3D strain #stress #vendor-neutral #3D LV

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TOMTEC in congenital heart disease settings

Dr. Luc Mertens, Section Head of Echocardiography, Labatt Family Heart Centre at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in Toronto says: “In our specialized Centre, retrospective analyses are quite frequent because we do not always cover the entire treatment path of children with congenital heart diseases. For example, if a patient comes back to us for heart surgery, we need to compare measurement results of previous and current examinations. (...)


Key messages

The Labatt Family Heart Centre at SickKids is a leader in congenital cardiac care. Dr. Mertens and his team are dedicated to the clinical treatment, research and training of the most unique pediatric hearts.

#congenital heart diseases #cardiac measurements #strain #structural heart diseases #pediatric

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Helios Hospital in Karlsruhe

Surgical and Interventional guidance using TOMTEC

Determining the valve pathology and ventricular function is essential for the success of mitral valve surgeries. One pitfall: The haemodynamic of awake and anesthetized patients can vary significantly, therefore pre-operative measurements can change significantly intraoperatively. To receive best results for the patients, the Helios Hospital in Karlsruhe, Germany, perform intraoperative TEE to acquire pre, intra and post-surgery /intervention (...)


Key messages

With the TOMTEC software we are able to perform all measurements with TEE directly in our minimal invasive mitral valve surgery and hybrid operating theatre.

#right-ventricle #TAVR #anaesthesiology #intraoperative measurements #post-surgical #cardiac-surgery

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Herz- und Diabeteszentrum NRW (HDZ NRW)

expert knowledge and intelligent software: the perfect team for tiny hearts

Dedicated clinicians and innovation-happy healthcare-IT companies share an important mission: to drive medical progress. The cooperation between the Pediatric Heart center and center for congenital Heart defects at the Heart and diabetes center NRW, Bad Oeynhausen and TOMTEC illustrates the immense added value that can be generated for everyday medical practice when know-how and dedication are pooled. (...)


Key messages

While the team at the Pediatric Heart Center and Center for Congenital Heart Defects (ZAH) treats pediatric and adult patients of any age with congenital or acquired heart defects, many of our patients are infants, children and adolescents.

the 40-bed clinic is one of the leading institutions in Germany to treat congenital heart defects

#pediatric #3D #congential #volumes #heart defects #quantification #CMR #reproducibility #4D

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TOMTEC and Equalis AB

Partnership for better quality in echo examinations

Improving quality in medicine is a question of standardization of individual skills – especially in user dependent areas such as ultrasound. In Sweden, Equalis AB is the largest provider of external quality assessments in this field – and now switched to TOMTEC as technological platform. (...)

#quality, #assessment, #standardization, #echocardiography, #TOMTECZERO, #measurements


Canton hospital Frauenfeld

TOMTEC at canton hospital Thurgau: "The perfect report in a mere two minutes”

Efficiency and safety – these are two key features the cardiologists at canton hospital Frauenfeld in Switzerland expect from their IT systems. Particularly reporting, the foundation of clinical decision making processes, used to be the problem child of clinical routine. (...)


Key messages

Simple and intuitive handling of reports and individual customization

Seamless and automatic transfer of data and measurement values from any US device and TOMTEC

Structured reports with different guidelines compliant templates


#Reporting, #clinical routine, #cardiology, #templates, #AutoSTRAIN, #4D RV-FUNCTION, #ejection fraction, #automatic #cardiac diagnostics, #TEE, #interoperability, #cathlab, #structured reports

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Flinders University in Adelaide

2D CPA for predicting sudden cardiac death - The more you see, the more you save?

Heart attacks may cause scars and the presence of scar tissue raises the risk for dangerously fast heart rhythms and sudden cardiac death. This seems to be a simple enough chain of events, but it presents a tricky problem in routine clinical assessment. (...)


Key focus

Strain technology has improved to a point where strain can be analyzed in over 90 percent of cases

Identify patients at higher risk of sudden cardiac death which could lead to new treatment paths


#Heart failure, #strain, #2D CPA, #research, #speckle tracking, #echocardiography, #EF, #cardioverter-defibrillator, #chemotherapy, #reproducibility #DICOM

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Imperial College London

TOMTEC-ARENA at Imperial College London – Shaping the future of cardiac diagnostics

Petros Nihoyannopoulos, Professor of Cardiology at Imperial College London and Hammersmith Hospital, is no doubt a pioneer in ultrasound assessment of ventricular function. (...)


Key focus

Focussing on diagnostic potential of speckle tracking for image-based assessment of myocardial deformations.

Right ventricular analysis using 3D echo in clinical routine.


#Ultrasound, #ventricular function, #stress echo, #right ventricle, #speckle tracking, #cardiac diagnostics, #research, #EF, #strain, #automated analysis, #3D echo.

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Children´s Heart Center at the AUBMC

A matter of the heart – TOMTEC fits the needs even of pediatric cardiology

When it comes to the heart, sharp eyes, steady hands and precise technology are imperative to diagnose, repair and treat defects of this sophisticated structure. (...)


Key focus

TOMTEC offers a higher safety level for interventions due to its very accurate data that supports the decision making process prior to surgery.

Assessment of ventricular volume using RV and LV printing models


#Pediatric cardiology, #strain, #diagnostics, #research, #3D analysis, #right ventricle, #mitral valve, #3D printing,  #echo, #MRI

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