
Reporting* is a comprehensive solution for structured reporting in the adult echocardiography, pediatric and vascular ultrasound labs

Study and measurement data are taken over automatically to generate professional reports in a quick and intuitive way. The guideline conform buildup of the workspaces increases the overall quality of clinical documentation. Physicians can tailor the report to individual and specific needs with easy to use customization. The reporting workspaces are fully web-based integrated with Ultrasound Workspace to offer a clinical solution that accelerates report generation and interfaces to hospital information and EMR systems for efficient report distribution.

Aims to increase efficiency and diagnostic quality in your lab

Intuitive user interface and navigation

  • Easy navigation to specific cardiac and vascular structures
  • Easy access to common clinical findings
  • User customization at various levels
    • Customized report templates
    • Customized clinical findings
    • Customized normal ranges
    • Customized recommended and required fields
    • Customized measurement tables

Streamline workflow

  • Web-based structured reporting
  • Integrated workflow with imaging & analysis
  • Automated import of study and measurement data from ultrasound devices
  • Populate findings based on predefined QuickFills and prior studies with one click
  • Auto Summary
  • Dynamic side by side preview of the report
  • Shrink to fit

High quality content

  • Guideline conform reporting templates and norm values
  • Automated quality assessment of measurements based on published standards (QualitySeal* based on ASE and IAC standards)

Reporting options

Adult echo

Comprehensive structured reporting package that offers clinical workspaces for TTE, TEE, TEE pre/post OP and stress echocardiography

Pediatric and fetal

Comprehensive structured reporting package that offers clinical workspaces for pediatric and fetal echocardiographic report


Comprehensive structured reporting package that offers clinical workspaces for vascular venous and arterial exam types


Comprehensive structured reporting package that can be readily adapted to customer needs for a dedicated medical area


* is part of Ultrasound Workspace. Ultrasound Workspace and QualitySeal are trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V.