Coronary angiography is routinely used for diagnosis and treatment of patients who have or are at risk of coronary artery disease. In clinical practice visual estimation has limitations such as high variability associated with operator experience and only general estimation of the vessel dimensions. Quantitative Coronary Analysis being highly accurate and reproducible can refine the visual estimate and provide important measurements of the coronary anatomy.

Reproducible results with short analysis times both in QCA and QLVA




DSA is a clinical analysis package to visualize digital subtraction angiograms. It provides enhanced display of XA vessel images using automated image masking and DSA summation over time (vascular trace).

  • DSA with default or user selected reference frame
  • Compensation of motion artifacts using automated pixel shift
  • Vascular trace



Cath-QCA is a fast and intuitive tool for angiographic image analysis of coronary vessels.

It automatically generates a proposal for vessel borders for an accelerate stenosis quantifications.

  • Two-clicks – one border proposal
  • Total control – verification of final results by user
  • Stenosis quantification on calibrated and uncalibrated images
  • Calculation of stenosis diameter and area, obstruction and reference diameters and obstruction length
  • Fast and intuitive workflow
  • Graphical display: Diameter curves, Stenosis Overlays

Cath-QLVA is a clinical analysis package to quantify left ventricular volumes and function.

  • Left ventricular volumes like EDV, ESV
  • Ejection Fraction (EF), Stroke Volume (SV) and Cardiac Output (CO)
  • Various Single Plane and Biplane calculation methods like Area-Length and Simpson method of disk for all results
  • Review, editing and verification of final results
  • Fast and intuitive workflow

* Is part of TOMTEC-ARENA. TOMTEC-ARENA is a trademark of TOMTEC Imaging Systems GmbH.