“TOMTEC offers me the opportunity to analyse measurements in a second step at a workstation and document them thanks to an easy report creation. That saves a lot of time, from which the patients will benefit. Furthermore, there are continuously updates within the TOMTEC applications and I can use the positive outcomes either in my daily routine or for research purposes. These updates have been brought to my awareness during TOMTEC online webinars. I especially appreciate the intuitive handling – measurements can be realized in such a simple way and can be automatically transferred in the report. The crucial reason to work with TOMTEC was that the company could also implement our complex demands for reporting templates into reality.”
Nowell Fine, MD
University of Calgary, Canada
"Our lab has benefited tremendously from the advanced analysis capabilities of IMAGE-ARENA, both for clinical and research applications. The user-friendly interface has allowed us to efficiently perform comprehensive assessments. TOMTEC continues to lead our field in developing state-of-the art imaging applications for cardiac structure and function evaluation. The 2D and 3D imaging functions have facilitated tremendous advancements in our understanding of cardiac mechanical function in health and disease. Congratulations TOMTEC on all these important contributions and achievements."
Denisa Muraru, MD, PhD
University of Padua Dpt of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, University of Padua
“Since many years, the challenging task of analyzing the RV from 3D data sets relies exclusively on TOMTEC software.
The new automatic RV-FUNCTION algorithm really makes this task easier. Working with first-time users testing both the old and the new software tools, you can feel that the new software is easier to learn and faster to use. Now, some of the latest 3D ultrasound systems come equipped with the new RV TOMTEC software on board.
Our department at the University of Padua is a referral center for many patients with suspected or known RV pathology, including pulmonary hypertension, ARVC, GUCH and athletes. After having tested its accuracy in real-life patients against CMR, we have adopted the RV-FUNCTION software as the standard tool for measuring RV volumes and ejection fraction for both patient care and research purposes.”
“TOMTEC solutions considerably simplify and enhance the classification of valvular heart disease. Data archiving to PACS is effortless via TOMTEC connectivity modules. Thanks to TOMTEC’s vendor neutral product portfolio we are not dependent on one ultrasound vendor.”
Nico Bruining, PhD, FESC
Thoraxcenter, Department of Cardiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
"In 1998 I defended my these entitled: “Quantitative 3D Echocardiography of The Heart and The CoronaryVessels” with one of the pioneers as my paranimph, the captain for so many years and later owner of the great company who were visionaries to develop this technique, Bernhard Mumm. However, a great deal of the huge success of the further development since the mid 1990’s has also to do with the great spirit the whole team of TOMTEC shows. Theirfaith, believing in the technology has finally resulted that 3D echocardiography is here to stay. The past 25 years were fantastic, I am sure the next 25 are going to be very promising as well."
Roberto M. Lang, MD
Director, Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging Laboratories, University of Chicago Medical Center
"TOMTEC has been instrumental in moving the field of 3D echocardiography forward. The software development has been a true help for the echo community in general. This has always been done with input from physicians. Throughout many years I always look forward to our reunions in the American and European meetings to discuss new developments in 3D echocardiography. Happy 25th birthday and hope to be there with you for many more years..."
Natesa G. Pandian, MD
Professor of Medicine, Director Cardiovascular Ultrasound Research, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston
"Without the valiant and visionary efforts of TOMTEC company, 3D Echo would not be a clinical tool as it is today in contemporary cardiology. The vision, scientific creativity, focus and hard work of the entire TOMTEC group has led to many ultrasound companies buying the 3D concept, learning from their collaboration with TOMTEC, and having joint products or having the products of their own. In my personal viewpoint, the collaboration between Tufts University Medical Center and TOMTEC over the last 16 years has been the most enriching, exciting and productive experience for me. The insights deemed from similar ventures between TOMTEC scientists and a multitude of international cardiology groups have resulted in vastly expanding the scientific knowledge in almost all areas of cardiology. I wish them well, and look forward to many more years of our relationship with this unique team."
James D. Thomas, MD
Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago
“I have been working with TOMTEC almost from the very beginning, going back to the original “lobster tail” 3D TEE probe in the early ‘90s. Throughout the years they have proven their commitment to a multi-vendor/multi-modality vision to quantify cardiac structure and function. Congratulations on your first 25 years!”
Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Franke
Associate Professor of Medicine, Klinikum Siloah, Germany
"I started working with TOMTEC back in 1993 when we used modified multiplanar TEE probes with an external stepper motor. Acquisition lasted about 5 to 6 minutes and we worked hours to create good surface rendered images or to quantify volumes. Meanwhile the innovative ideas of TOMTEC engineers and researchers made it possible to see 3D views with highest possible spatial resolution and to quantitatively analyze 3D data within split seconds with only minimal interaction of the examiner and with data from all different vendors. Well done TOMTEC! Congratulations to 25 years of continuous and successful efforts to make 3D echo widely available."
Mark J Monaghan, MSc, PhD
Director of Non-Invasive Cardiology and Associate Medical Director, King’s College Hospital, London, United Kingdom
“We regularly use TOMTEC 3D software at King’s because it is easy to use, robust and works with multiple vendor datasets. It is integrated into our Echo archiving and reporting system so workflow is very good.”
Aparna Kulkarni, MD
Pediatric Cardiologist
“I have used the TOMTEC IMAGE-ARENA platform for strain quantification in fetal and pediatric research. I found the 2D strain quantification algorithm user-friendly and extremely time efficient; a few easy steps produce the results in a nice visual graphic. I especially like the feature of being able to export the results quickly into well-formatted Excel sheets. This has allowed me to compile complex and extensive strain data for quick data analysis.”
Masaaki Takeuchi, MD
Professor and Director of Laboratory and Transfusion Medicine, University of Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Medicine, Kitakyushu, Japan
"My first experience for the use of TOMTEC software and machine was in 1997, when I had been in Tufts New England Medical Center as a research fellow. It was a tough time for fellows to retrieve 3D datasets (it usually took 1 hour) and to get meaningful analysis (I forgot how much time I spent), which required extensive expertise. However, thanks to their continuous efforts and rapid improvement of computer technology, everybody knows that TOMTEC is one of the best companies to provide user friendly software for the quantification of heart chamber mechanics at now. I am very happy to witness these changes."
"Since the inception of 3D matrix imaging, I have used the entire suite of TOMTEC applications and continue to find them intuitive and ahead of the curve in design and applicability. The 2D cardiac performance (CPA) strain and LVA packages have been instrumental in our research and follow up studies in our heart failure population, with CardioView remaining a core tool for our valve and structural heart procedural planning. The ability to export measurement data into excel spreadsheets has revealed enlightening information regarding relationships in structural and physiological mechanics we might have not elucidated otherwise."