
EuroEcho-Imaging 2016 in Leipzig: TOMTEC’s highlights

Starting on Wednesday, 7th December, TOMTEC experienced busy days at the booth with ad-hoc presentations of the latest software features until Friday evening.

Additionally, TOMTEC hosted 2 x 2 workshops with clinical speakers - “Automated Strain analysis for Cardio-Oncology in practice” by Stam Kapetanakis / St Thomas' Hospital, Cardiovascular Imaging; London (Great Britain) and “Pulmonary Hypertension - Comprehensive evaluation of the Right Ventricle” presented by
Denisa Muraru / MD, PhD, Dpt of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, University of Padua (Italy). The learning objectives of the sessions have been the following: Global longitudinal strain is a recommended marker for cardiac function monitoring during cancer treatment. Fast and reproducible measurements are the basic requirement to bring this measurement into daily clinical routine. Participants of this session learned how to use AutoSTRAIN as part of their routine review process. Measurement results were compared with prior examinations.

Dr Muraru’s session embraced the following themes: Right ventricular (RV) failure is the main cause of death of patients with pulmonary hypertension. Due to its complex shape the quantification of RV size and function is challenging. Recently, EACVI/ASE guidelines recommended 3D echocardiography and strain analysis for a more accurate assessment of RV performance. The participants of the workshop received an overview on the state-of-the-art echocardiographic assessment of RV (including clinical cases, acquisition tips, image analysis and interpretation), followed by dedicated hands-on training to obtain 3D RV volumes and ejection fraction using latest software equipment. Target audience: echo-cardiographers, sonographers, cardiologists, pulmonary hypertension and congenital heart disease specialists, anesthesiologists.

These guided sessions met with a great deal of interest so that these workshops will be continued. If you are interested in further details of our work, you are welcome to visit our TOMTEC ACADEMY webinars:

As a framework for “What’s new in the industry?” Christian Galuschky, VP Clinical Products & Innovations at TOMTEC, participated with a presentation about “Clinical workflow - how automation improves efficiency”. Gregor Malischnig, CMO at TOMTEC, complemented the talks with an outlook of “How deep learning can help the physician of tomorrow”. Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Devices, Cloud Computing together with a growing base of electronically available information from scientific sources and patient records are the ingredients of a massive change in healthcare. TOMTEC aims to play an important role in that revolution with new innovations around Cardiology.

Thanks a lot to all who have contributed to make this trade fair an inspiring platform for discussions and information exchange!