
3rd Stress Echo Interpretation Course

Five days full of echo

„The third edition of the Interpretation Course again was a great success and attendees left with great professional satisfaction“ Prof Attila Kardos summarized the 3rd Stress Echo Interpretation Course, that took place from 14th-18th October 2019 at Milton Keynes University Hospital in UK and was part of the TOMTEC ACADEMY.

The positive feedback from the attendees was a result of the excellent mixture of theoretical lectures and workstation analysis Prof Attila Kardos as Course Director and Consultant Cardiologist, Vice Chair  Research, Clinical Lead for Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging, Milton Keynes University Hospital, organized in cooperation with local and international faculties.

At the first day the theoretical basics of current options of echocardiography diagnostics were focussed. In several lectures participants got an update of eg “Stress echo in structural heart diseases”, “Equipment, acquisition, interpretation” or “Indications for stress echocardiography”.

The following four days were fully packed with practical applications at the workstations TOMTEC provided for the event: 150 case studies were interpreted and discussed afterwards. “It is this strong focus on real-life-scenarios what makes this event so outstanding and valuable for clinicians”, Attila Kardos said. This “hard work” was rewarded with 6 BSE points form the British Society of Echocardiography as well as with 1 BSE point from the Federation of RCP.

TOMTEC wants to thank Prof Kardos as Course Director as well as the other faculties for their great efforts in organizing and carrying out the event:

Local faculties:
Professor Attila KARDOS MD, PhD, FRCP, FESC Consultant Cardiologist Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Buckingham, Hon Senior Lecturer Univ Oxford,
Milton Keynes University Hospital, UK

Dr László HALMAI MD, MRCP, FESC Consultant Cardiologist Milton Keynes University Hospital, UK

Mr Diogo MARTINS, Senior Chief Physiologist, Departmental Manager Milton Keynes University Hospital UK

International faculties:
Professor Harald BECHER MD, PhD, FRCP Heart&Stroke Foundation Chair for Cardiovascular Research ABACUS, Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Professor Paul LEESON PhD FRCP FESC Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine
Clinical Director, Oxford Cardiovascular Clinical Research Facility John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK